Free SPeech 501c3

At the heart of our American Republic is the existence of the unwavering belief that all citizens—regardless of faith—have the right to speak freely. This includes our houses of worship. Yet, since 1954, the Johnson Amendment has silenced the moral and political voices of religious institutions, limiting their ability to address critical societal issues without fear of losing their tax-exempt status.

We believe that religious leaders must be free to speak openly and passionately on matters of justice, morality, and public policy—just as they did during the American Revolution, when the clergy stood boldly for liberty. The First Amendment was written to protect this very right. It’s time to repeal the Johnson Amendment and restore the constitutional freedoms of speech and religion to our Judeo-Christian houses of worship.

Join us in advocating for the repeal of the Johnson Amendment and defending the vital role of religious institutions in shaping the moral conscience of society. Together, we can ensure that faith-based voices are no longer stifled but are free to speak truth in the public square.